Natú Reads

Jaurès and the Third Republic

October 22, 2023 Natú Reads
Natú Reads
Jaurès and the Third Republic
Show Notes

The Mariátegui Project is a project from Natú Pizzella, who also makes free audiobooks of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and other revolutionary content. This project comes in response to the relative lack of availability of José Carlos Mariátegui’s works in English. Other than an anthology of his works released by Monthly Review Press, and his Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality, the vast majority of his writings remain inaccessible to most English speakers. The goal of this project, then, is to slowly but surely make the remainder of Mariátegui’s works available in English. This is a reading of a translation available on the Mariátegui Project website.

This piece is from the Crisis of Socialism section of the Contemporary Scene.

Read this and other Mariátegui translations here:

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